Our stock market is getting hotter and hotter. Now is not the time to throw cautious to the wind.
With an intra-day high of 1,103, it closed at 1098.55 yesterday.
Volume traded hit 2.19b. This is a record high. The last time such a high volume was traded was May 9, 06. From a high of 970 it trended down and hit 883 on June 15. The correction was really severe or was it a reserval? I leave that to you.
This time around, I do not foresee such velocity & severity. However, I am of the opinion that a correction is imminent.
The market is most dangerous when it is most attractive. I see many new comers coming into the market. This is also a danger sign. Nobody knows what is going to happen. This is only a probablity game. Whether it's odds on or not, you have to decide. Think intelligently, though.
Best of luck and good day.