Friday April 6, 2007
Revaluation of Keck Seng assets
By Yeow Pooi Ling
PETALING JAYA: The market has yet to fully appreciate the potential revaluation surplus of Keck Seng (M) Bhd's rich assets, especially its huge land bank in south Johor.
Main board-listed Keck Seng is involved in four core businesses – property development, hotel management, plantations and palm oil milling.
According to the company's 2005 annual report, about 10,000 acres in south Johor are still valued based on prices at the 1980s level.
The surplus from the revaluation of land, especially in Ulu Tiram, Bandar Baru Kangkar Pulai, Pasir Gudang and Tanjong Langsat, could be significant since land and property prices in south Johor have appreciated due to plans to develop the Iskandar Development Region.
In 2005, Keck Seng sold 181 acres of plantation land in Ulu Tiram to the state government for RM45.4mil, or about RM251,000 per acre, which resulted in a one-off gain of RM39.5mil.
Assuming a price of RM251,000 per acre, the total land bank in south Johor could be worth RM2.5bil, which is a surplus of RM2.3bil from the current book value.
This could enhance Keck Seng's net tangible asset (NTA) by a whopping RM9.50 per share.
The company's plantation land bank could eventually be converted for property development, which would fetch better pricing as it is close to the urban area.
Its commercial properties are also valued at below market prices. The net book value of Menara Keck Seng at Jalan Bukit Bintang, for example, was last valued at RM63.5mil, or RM240 per sq ft, in 1996.
The MAS building at Jalan Sultan Ismail was sold last year for RM130mil, or about RM481 per sq ft. Based on the same price per sq ft, Menara Keck Seng could be worth RM127mil, double its current book value.
The company also owns properties in Singapore, which were last valued in the 80s; two hotels in Canada (1997 and 2000) and another hotel in Hawaii, last valued at 2000.
Keck Seng's investment in equities is also priced at a book value lower than the current market price.
According to notes accompanying its fourth quarter results ended Dec 31, 2006, the book value of these investments amounted to RM146.7mil, but based on market value as at end-December, they were worth RM567.2mil.
Keck Seng owns 4.9 million shares in PPB Group Bhd and 2.8 million shares in Chin Teck Plantations Bhd.
When the Financial Reporting Standards 139 (FRS 139) are fully enforced, all companies including Keck Seng would have to mark-to-market their investment in equities, and state the surplus or deficit over cost as earnings or losses in the profit and loss accounts.
As a result, Keck Seng could see a surplus of RM420.5mil on its investment in equities, which could boost its NTA by RM1.74 per share.
Meanwhile, its healthy balance sheet enabled it to buy Regency Tower in Kuala Lumpur last year for RM62.5mil cash. Its net cash stood at RM189mil as at Dec 31, 2006.
Based on a conservative estimation arrived at by adding surpluses from the revaluation of Keck Seng's Johor land bank and its equity investments, the company's total NTA could reach as high as RM15 a share compared with RM4.34 currently.
However, the present share price is below the year's high of RM5.45, while other property stocks with exposure to south Johor have soared to their 52-week highs. The counter rose 22 sen to RM4.66 yesterday.
The above article is not a solicitation that you buy or sell shares in Keck Seng Berhad. You are fully responsible for your own action. You buy or sell at your own risk.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Are You Ready for the World's Biggest Bankruptcy?
By Tom Dyson
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
The media have given London a new nickname: Reykjavik-on-Thames.
Britain's economy revolved around banking. British banks hold about $4.4 trillion in foreign debt. The total size of the UK economy is $2.1 trillion. This year, the British government nationalized major parts of the UK's banking system. In total, the UK Treasury is on the hook for over $2 trillion in potential liabilities, according to an estimate by the Office of National Statistics.
But Britain is NOT going to be the world's biggest national bankruptcy. The government debt of the United Kingdom is only around $950 billion... or about $15,000 per capita.
This week, the United States Treasury sunk another $30 billion into AIG... its fourth bailout. It also put another $25 billion into Citigroup. The Treasury is now on the hook for as much as $6 trillion in liabilities. Last week, the White House produced its new budget. President Obama wants to run a deficit of $1.75 trillion in 2009.
The Treasury will pay for these bailouts by borrowing money. The Treasury borrows money by issuing Treasury bonds. Tomorrow, for example, it will auction three-year, 10-year, and 30-year bonds. This auction should raise around $60 billion.
The "debt clock" measures the amount of money the government owes its creditors. Today, the U.S. debt clock reads $11 trillion. To pay off this debt tomorrow, the government would have to collect $36,000 from every American.
But America is NOT about to be the world's biggest bankruptcy.
Of the major industrial economies in the world, Japan's government is the most indebted.
Since its recession began 20 years ago, Japan has plowed trillions into its banking system via numerous bailout programs. Japan's mantra is growth without cost. As a result, the Japanese government has built up the world's most crippling debt load.
The government of Japan owes $7.8 trillion. That's $157,000 per capita.
We've been using government debt per capita to compare the government debts of Britain, the United States, and Japan. But government debt to GDP is the ratio economists use to compare the indebtedness of countries. The UK has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 48%. The U.S. has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 75%. Japan has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 187%.
If there's going to be a major sovereign bankruptcy, it's going to happen in Japan. Its economy is a shambles. For years, Japan has relied on exports... but even that's drying up now. In January, Japan's exports plunged 47%, producing a trade deficit. People talk about Japan as a "nation of savers." But that's not true anymore. Japan's personal savings rate has collapsed from 16% in the early 1990s to 2.2% last year.
Japan has an aging population and no immigration. I can't see where it's going to find the money to pay off its huge pile of debt.
The way to play the collapse in Japan is by shorting the yen. Right now, the Japanese yen is the world's most popular currency. Traders perceive it as a safe haven. In 2008, the yen was the world's best performing currency.... Rising 33% against the Canadian dollar, 40% against the British pound, and 19% against the dollar.
Back in January, I told you a fall in the yen was all but inevitable. The yen is down 12% since that article. But according to
Japan Is About to Devalue Its Currency: Here's How to Profit
This Year's Triple-Digit Trade
a Merrill lynch report I saw yesterday, large speculators still have a $3.7 billion long position in yen futures. The analyst described it as "crowded."
The Japanese yen has been in a 40-year bull market. I think a new long-term bear market has just started... and it will end in the bankruptcy of Japan's government. FXY is the ETF for the Japanese yen. When then yen falls, this fund falls, too. The easiest way to bet on a fall in yen is to short this fund or buy put options on it.
Good investing,
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
The media have given London a new nickname: Reykjavik-on-Thames.
Britain's economy revolved around banking. British banks hold about $4.4 trillion in foreign debt. The total size of the UK economy is $2.1 trillion. This year, the British government nationalized major parts of the UK's banking system. In total, the UK Treasury is on the hook for over $2 trillion in potential liabilities, according to an estimate by the Office of National Statistics.
But Britain is NOT going to be the world's biggest national bankruptcy. The government debt of the United Kingdom is only around $950 billion... or about $15,000 per capita.
This week, the United States Treasury sunk another $30 billion into AIG... its fourth bailout. It also put another $25 billion into Citigroup. The Treasury is now on the hook for as much as $6 trillion in liabilities. Last week, the White House produced its new budget. President Obama wants to run a deficit of $1.75 trillion in 2009.
The Treasury will pay for these bailouts by borrowing money. The Treasury borrows money by issuing Treasury bonds. Tomorrow, for example, it will auction three-year, 10-year, and 30-year bonds. This auction should raise around $60 billion.
The "debt clock" measures the amount of money the government owes its creditors. Today, the U.S. debt clock reads $11 trillion. To pay off this debt tomorrow, the government would have to collect $36,000 from every American.
But America is NOT about to be the world's biggest bankruptcy.
Of the major industrial economies in the world, Japan's government is the most indebted.
Since its recession began 20 years ago, Japan has plowed trillions into its banking system via numerous bailout programs. Japan's mantra is growth without cost. As a result, the Japanese government has built up the world's most crippling debt load.
The government of Japan owes $7.8 trillion. That's $157,000 per capita.
We've been using government debt per capita to compare the government debts of Britain, the United States, and Japan. But government debt to GDP is the ratio economists use to compare the indebtedness of countries. The UK has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 48%. The U.S. has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 75%. Japan has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 187%.
If there's going to be a major sovereign bankruptcy, it's going to happen in Japan. Its economy is a shambles. For years, Japan has relied on exports... but even that's drying up now. In January, Japan's exports plunged 47%, producing a trade deficit. People talk about Japan as a "nation of savers." But that's not true anymore. Japan's personal savings rate has collapsed from 16% in the early 1990s to 2.2% last year.
Japan has an aging population and no immigration. I can't see where it's going to find the money to pay off its huge pile of debt.
The way to play the collapse in Japan is by shorting the yen. Right now, the Japanese yen is the world's most popular currency. Traders perceive it as a safe haven. In 2008, the yen was the world's best performing currency.... Rising 33% against the Canadian dollar, 40% against the British pound, and 19% against the dollar.
Back in January, I told you a fall in the yen was all but inevitable. The yen is down 12% since that article. But according to
Japan Is About to Devalue Its Currency: Here's How to Profit
This Year's Triple-Digit Trade
a Merrill lynch report I saw yesterday, large speculators still have a $3.7 billion long position in yen futures. The analyst described it as "crowded."
The Japanese yen has been in a 40-year bull market. I think a new long-term bear market has just started... and it will end in the bankruptcy of Japan's government. FXY is the ETF for the Japanese yen. When then yen falls, this fund falls, too. The easiest way to bet on a fall in yen is to short this fund or buy put options on it.
Good investing,
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Money for value you must insist
BY DANIEL AT 15 MAY, 2009, 11:58 PM
Buy quality, go to sleep with quality, and hold quality; you my friend understand the basic principle of investing. When you wake up each day, you will still be owning quality, not s***!
Buy good stocks, and hold until you have reached your goals for that particular stock.
20% off of 8500 is 6800; still higher than the Dow low of 6540 on March 9th.
20% off of 925 is 740, still higher than the S&P 500 low of 670 on March 9th.
I rounded off all the above figures to end in 0’s, so please, don’t anyone call me for being off a point one way or another!
The daily trader 99% end up the loser over time; the people that buy good quality for the purpose of investing, and not gambling, end up reaping the rewards, and winning.
A “true” bull market is not that far off; now is the time to be investing in good quality, and holding on to it till you reach your goal!
Will you take some losses; of course! But, in the process you will, if you are doing things properly, be able to write those losses against gains; gains made by selling good quality stocks at a profit, and harvesting them.
Harvesting = Buying back at a lower price at some time in the future!
I am not going to reveal my net worth or anything personal on the INTERNET; but this much I will tell you - I am quite wealthy!
I have never been a daily trader, I have always been a long term investor; I have reaped the harvest, and all of the rewards of investing smartly, and having patience!
Good luck my friend; you have it down pat - don’t deviate!
Just don’t chase the market; the market, sooner or later, will always come to you, in time!
My father was a great investor; he used to say if you buy s***, you go to bed with s***, and then, you wake up still owning s***!
Do exactly as you have proposed, and in time, you will be a very happy person!
If you want to gamble, go to Vegas!
Buy quality, go to sleep with quality, and hold quality; you my friend understand the basic principle of investing. When you wake up each day, you will still be owning quality, not s***!
Buy good stocks, and hold until you have reached your goals for that particular stock.
20% off of 8500 is 6800; still higher than the Dow low of 6540 on March 9th.
20% off of 925 is 740, still higher than the S&P 500 low of 670 on March 9th.
I rounded off all the above figures to end in 0’s, so please, don’t anyone call me for being off a point one way or another!
The daily trader 99% end up the loser over time; the people that buy good quality for the purpose of investing, and not gambling, end up reaping the rewards, and winning.
A “true” bull market is not that far off; now is the time to be investing in good quality, and holding on to it till you reach your goal!
Will you take some losses; of course! But, in the process you will, if you are doing things properly, be able to write those losses against gains; gains made by selling good quality stocks at a profit, and harvesting them.
Harvesting = Buying back at a lower price at some time in the future!
I am not going to reveal my net worth or anything personal on the INTERNET; but this much I will tell you - I am quite wealthy!
I have never been a daily trader, I have always been a long term investor; I have reaped the harvest, and all of the rewards of investing smartly, and having patience!
Good luck my friend; you have it down pat - don’t deviate!
Just don’t chase the market; the market, sooner or later, will always come to you, in time!
My father was a great investor; he used to say if you buy s***, you go to bed with s***, and then, you wake up still owning s***!
Do exactly as you have proposed, and in time, you will be a very happy person!
If you want to gamble, go to Vegas!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Stock Market at The Top
The stock market near the top is a hive of activity
Making money is everyone’s ability
Price rises are spectacular, steady and daily
Today’s high becomes tomorrows low, normally
Everyone is talking about stock and shares
No one is losing and nobody fears the bears
Laughter and giggles are in the air
Perpetual prosperity is what people talk and share
All around, people are boasting about their gains
Not knowing when to get out, they may soon cry in pain
At the most optimistic time, the reversal suddenly comes
The turn of the tide is only aware to some
Amidst the rumblings of thunder and lighting comes the landslide
Prices gone up have started their downslide
Astute traders immediately make their exit at what is given
The naïve hold on hoping to get out even
Sadly, their hopes soon turn into a nightmare
Trapped and unable to get out of their snare
Their monies are now gone for want of a few dollars more
Hopefully, they are now not as stupid as before.
Making money is everyone’s ability
Price rises are spectacular, steady and daily
Today’s high becomes tomorrows low, normally
Everyone is talking about stock and shares
No one is losing and nobody fears the bears
Laughter and giggles are in the air
Perpetual prosperity is what people talk and share
All around, people are boasting about their gains
Not knowing when to get out, they may soon cry in pain
At the most optimistic time, the reversal suddenly comes
The turn of the tide is only aware to some
Amidst the rumblings of thunder and lighting comes the landslide
Prices gone up have started their downslide
Astute traders immediately make their exit at what is given
The naïve hold on hoping to get out even
Sadly, their hopes soon turn into a nightmare
Trapped and unable to get out of their snare
Their monies are now gone for want of a few dollars more
Hopefully, they are now not as stupid as before.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Ginger - the wonder herb

Ginger is well known as a culinary spice and flavoring agent all over the world. It is also used as a herb to treat:
stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, colic, motion sickness, headaches, common cold and other ailments.
In Bentong at Bukit Tinggi, ginger is widely planted. Malaysian use ginger everyday in their cuisine.
Ginger roots (zingiber officinale) has been used as a folk medicine for thousand of years.
Do not take ginger if you have a bleeding disorder or if you are taking blood-thinning medications, including aspirin.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Security Is The First Priority
No place is a good place to stay if security there is a problem. If Malaysia are serious about imaging the country as a second home for foreigners or a tourist attraction, they must first and foremost tighten their security.
The recent rounding up of Mat Rempit is a good start. This operation should continue for some time to root out the undesirable activities of Mat Rempit who have become very brave indeed. They fight the police, rob citizens and create lots of violence. What's next? Rape, daylight robbery, road bullying, etc. may be on their agendas if left unchecked.
Perhaps the government should construct a special track for them to do their racing. There, they can race to their hearts" content without causing danger to other people.
Corruption is the root of many evils. Many people contribute to corruption without realizing it. Do you know that if you buy illegal lotteries, pirated goods, stolen goods or get yourself involved in illegal organized gambling, you are actually contributing to corruption?
Here in Malaysia, you can easily buy illegal lotteries. This is a sign that corruption is at a high level.
You can easily judge whether corruption is on the rise or otherwise by looking at organized crimes such as drug abuse, prostitution, illegal gambling or the like.
Once corruption is weeded out, a clean image of the country will emerge. This will be a great boost to tourism. Security will be much better and people can go about their daily chores without fear.
My vote for the next election will definitely depend on how well the present government weed out corruption.
The recent rounding up of Mat Rempit is a good start. This operation should continue for some time to root out the undesirable activities of Mat Rempit who have become very brave indeed. They fight the police, rob citizens and create lots of violence. What's next? Rape, daylight robbery, road bullying, etc. may be on their agendas if left unchecked.
Perhaps the government should construct a special track for them to do their racing. There, they can race to their hearts" content without causing danger to other people.
Corruption is the root of many evils. Many people contribute to corruption without realizing it. Do you know that if you buy illegal lotteries, pirated goods, stolen goods or get yourself involved in illegal organized gambling, you are actually contributing to corruption?
Here in Malaysia, you can easily buy illegal lotteries. This is a sign that corruption is at a high level.
You can easily judge whether corruption is on the rise or otherwise by looking at organized crimes such as drug abuse, prostitution, illegal gambling or the like.
Once corruption is weeded out, a clean image of the country will emerge. This will be a great boost to tourism. Security will be much better and people can go about their daily chores without fear.
My vote for the next election will definitely depend on how well the present government weed out corruption.
Monday, May 04, 2009
World No. 2 Happiest Country

No. 2: Puerto Rico
Population: 3,958,128
Life Expectancy: 79
GDP Per Capita: $19,600
With the U.S. rated at a disappointing 16th on the list of happiest countries, the World Values Survey saw fit to separate Puerto Rico, an American territory that's culturally closer to its Latin American cousins. The result: The self-described "Island of Enchantment" ranked No. 2 in the world, despite having per capita income lower than Mississippi and receiving less than 15% of the Medicaid funding it would be allotted as a state. But Puerto Ricans, who enjoy permanent summer weather, a vibrant musical heritage, and idyllic emerald beaches, pay no federal income taxes.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
My Prostate Operation
Probably about a month prior to Feb 28, 2009, I was having urinary infection. I went to a local clinic at Bandar Puteri for treatment. My urine was checked and I was given antibiotic to combat the illness. For the one month, while I was on antibiotic, I was okay. But when I stopped taking the medicine, the infection came back.
Finding this to be unacceptable, I went to see a urologist. The doctor recommended that I go for an operation called TURP. He was very reassuring; he told me that he had done more than a thousand such operation and that there was really nothing to be scared of or worried about. As I was also having hernia he recommended that both operations be done at the same time. I agreed to his proposal.
The TURP operation commenced on March 03, 09 in the late afternoon. I was given regional anesthesia. The injection called Epidural was really killing; it was very painful indeed! (I can't understand why I was not given general anesthesia that is not so painful.)
Two days after the operation, the catheter, (the tube that drains out urine from the bladder) was removed from the urethra. I was then instructed to drink plenty of water to induce urination. Unfortunately I was unable to urinate despite tremendous effort amidst excruciating pain. The catheter was then inserted into the urethera again. Two days later, it was removed and I was asked to try to urinate again. Again I failed. The doctor had to insert the catheter again. This procedure went on for a few times before I was asked to go home with the catheter in place.
Five days later, on 17.03.09 I was back to the Medical Centre. Again I was unable to urinate when the catheter was removed in spite of every effort I put in. The taking out and putting in the catheter was really a very painful experience. The doctor then said that he had no option but to use another catheter to drain out the urine. I was put under anesthesia and a new catheter inserted at a point about five inches right below the navel. With two catheters in place, you can imagine the position I was in at that time. The next morning, the catheter in the urethra was removed. That time I was a bit fortunate. I was able to urinate but with severe pain and with a little bit of blood. From then on the progress was slow and painful.
On May 02, 09 I went for a check-up of my urine flow which was weak. The doctor said that the weakness could be due to scar tissue. This is very scary as scar issue has the tendency to grow back when removed. The doctor has now put me under watchful alert for the next three months. I pray and hope that my urine flow will improve over time.
This morning I came to know about Professor George Lee. His article is appended below for those who are interested to know about Green LIght Laser Surgery on prostate.
The green light at the end of the tunnel- Prostate operation
I have been looking forward to today in the last few months. Finally, the arrival of a Green Light Laser prostate surgery machine to a Government Hospital in Malaysia. Green Light Laser surgery operation is an important landmark in surgery as this operation offers patients the prostate surgery without having significant morbidity such as blood loss and long hospital stay.
I have been working in London Hospital in the United Kingdom for a few years prior to my return to Malaysia. In the United Kingdom, I had the opportunity to use Perform Laser operations for patients and had observed the benefits of such operations over the conventional operation. Of course, the healthcare budget in the country was significantly larger than the government healthcare budget in Malaysia. The Laser operation for prostate is widely available for the general public, and the costs are fully supported by the Government. In Malaysia, however, the constant thrive to keep up with the state of the art technology for patients is not lacking. This operation actually has been offered to patient in a Private Hospital in Kuala Lumpur recently, and the interest has been overwhelming! In a government Hospital, we are not lagging; in fact we were the first one to place the order for the machine. Although in Many fields of medicine, we may not be in the forefront, however, in Malaysia we have the constant drive to keep up, and that gives me a sense of pride.
Today, we are having our soft launch before the official launch. The list of the patients eagerly waiting for this surgery is phenomenal. We invited an expert from Australia to train the staff and provide laser safety, and everyone could feel the excitement in the air.
Our first patient was a man in his sixties. He has been suffering from the typical prostate problems such as hesitancy of initiating urine, poor flow, dribbling and incomplete emptying. This is further complicated by the fact that he has both urinary urgency and the necessity of waking up at night to pass urine. Despite on medications, the symptom of this patient persisted. Of course, this is a well educated retired professional who also has read up about PVP Laser prostatectomy from the newspaper, and he is keen to have the contemporary operation. The man had the operation under spinal anesthesia, and he actually was awake through the operation and did not feel any pain. The operation went as smooth as the clockwork and we drew a large audience from the other operating theatres. Everyone knew this was going to be landmark advancement in the University Malaya Medical Centre.
I went to see the patient the day after the operation. We were already up and had a shower, and enjoying his breakfast in bed. I asked him whether he had a good rest last night. He reply “of course not! I am still in disbelief that I managed to be one of the first few patients to have this operation in Malaysia. The catheter was removed that morning and the patient went home by that afternoon.
When I was writing this article, I was thinking…”Would I feel as proud with this operation when it is done in the United Kingdom?” This answer was a definite NO! I felt proud because this was a technology we fight for and providing for our fellow country Malaysians.
Is Green Light Laser Surgery the answer to those who need prostate surgery? Anyone who has any experience with it, is most welcome to comment. Thanks.
Finding this to be unacceptable, I went to see a urologist. The doctor recommended that I go for an operation called TURP. He was very reassuring; he told me that he had done more than a thousand such operation and that there was really nothing to be scared of or worried about. As I was also having hernia he recommended that both operations be done at the same time. I agreed to his proposal.
The TURP operation commenced on March 03, 09 in the late afternoon. I was given regional anesthesia. The injection called Epidural was really killing; it was very painful indeed! (I can't understand why I was not given general anesthesia that is not so painful.)
Two days after the operation, the catheter, (the tube that drains out urine from the bladder) was removed from the urethra. I was then instructed to drink plenty of water to induce urination. Unfortunately I was unable to urinate despite tremendous effort amidst excruciating pain. The catheter was then inserted into the urethera again. Two days later, it was removed and I was asked to try to urinate again. Again I failed. The doctor had to insert the catheter again. This procedure went on for a few times before I was asked to go home with the catheter in place.
Five days later, on 17.03.09 I was back to the Medical Centre. Again I was unable to urinate when the catheter was removed in spite of every effort I put in. The taking out and putting in the catheter was really a very painful experience. The doctor then said that he had no option but to use another catheter to drain out the urine. I was put under anesthesia and a new catheter inserted at a point about five inches right below the navel. With two catheters in place, you can imagine the position I was in at that time. The next morning, the catheter in the urethra was removed. That time I was a bit fortunate. I was able to urinate but with severe pain and with a little bit of blood. From then on the progress was slow and painful.
On May 02, 09 I went for a check-up of my urine flow which was weak. The doctor said that the weakness could be due to scar tissue. This is very scary as scar issue has the tendency to grow back when removed. The doctor has now put me under watchful alert for the next three months. I pray and hope that my urine flow will improve over time.
This morning I came to know about Professor George Lee. His article is appended below for those who are interested to know about Green LIght Laser Surgery on prostate.
The green light at the end of the tunnel- Prostate operation
I have been looking forward to today in the last few months. Finally, the arrival of a Green Light Laser prostate surgery machine to a Government Hospital in Malaysia. Green Light Laser surgery operation is an important landmark in surgery as this operation offers patients the prostate surgery without having significant morbidity such as blood loss and long hospital stay.
I have been working in London Hospital in the United Kingdom for a few years prior to my return to Malaysia. In the United Kingdom, I had the opportunity to use Perform Laser operations for patients and had observed the benefits of such operations over the conventional operation. Of course, the healthcare budget in the country was significantly larger than the government healthcare budget in Malaysia. The Laser operation for prostate is widely available for the general public, and the costs are fully supported by the Government. In Malaysia, however, the constant thrive to keep up with the state of the art technology for patients is not lacking. This operation actually has been offered to patient in a Private Hospital in Kuala Lumpur recently, and the interest has been overwhelming! In a government Hospital, we are not lagging; in fact we were the first one to place the order for the machine. Although in Many fields of medicine, we may not be in the forefront, however, in Malaysia we have the constant drive to keep up, and that gives me a sense of pride.
Today, we are having our soft launch before the official launch. The list of the patients eagerly waiting for this surgery is phenomenal. We invited an expert from Australia to train the staff and provide laser safety, and everyone could feel the excitement in the air.
Our first patient was a man in his sixties. He has been suffering from the typical prostate problems such as hesitancy of initiating urine, poor flow, dribbling and incomplete emptying. This is further complicated by the fact that he has both urinary urgency and the necessity of waking up at night to pass urine. Despite on medications, the symptom of this patient persisted. Of course, this is a well educated retired professional who also has read up about PVP Laser prostatectomy from the newspaper, and he is keen to have the contemporary operation. The man had the operation under spinal anesthesia, and he actually was awake through the operation and did not feel any pain. The operation went as smooth as the clockwork and we drew a large audience from the other operating theatres. Everyone knew this was going to be landmark advancement in the University Malaya Medical Centre.
I went to see the patient the day after the operation. We were already up and had a shower, and enjoying his breakfast in bed. I asked him whether he had a good rest last night. He reply “of course not! I am still in disbelief that I managed to be one of the first few patients to have this operation in Malaysia. The catheter was removed that morning and the patient went home by that afternoon.
When I was writing this article, I was thinking…”Would I feel as proud with this operation when it is done in the United Kingdom?” This answer was a definite NO! I felt proud because this was a technology we fight for and providing for our fellow country Malaysians.
Is Green Light Laser Surgery the answer to those who need prostate surgery? Anyone who has any experience with it, is most welcome to comment. Thanks.
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